All Ideas

1 vote

Reloading script

Completed Dmitry D. Comments: 1 Reply 2 years ago by qinghai (.
1 vote

Show UUID instead of BinData (where appropriate)

Completed Scott C. Comments: 1 Reply 7 years ago by qinghai (.
1 vote

Hide selected databases

Completed Pascal H. 7 years ago No Comments
1 vote

please add Linux Wayland support for NoSQLBooster

Under Consideration gohper 2 years ago No Comments
1 vote

keyboard shortcut to toggle results pane

Completed Craig Comments: 8 Reply 7 years ago by Craig
1 vote

view binary objects as ascii or uft-8 in the viewer

Completed Jacob B. Comments: 5 Reply 18 months ago by qinghai (.
1 vote

Add new templates to "Editor Tab Name Format" choice

Completed Paweł Comments: 4 Reply 21 months ago by qinghai (.
1 vote
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