Preserve formatting when copy code from script editor
When I copy this query from MongoBooster script editor
db.Farms.aggregate([ {$project: {_id: 1, Name:1, FarmerId:1 }}, {$lookup:{ from: "Orders", localField: "_id", foreignField: "FarmId", as: "Orders" }}, {$match: {Orders:[]}}, {$group:{_id: "$FarmerId", count: {$sum:1}, names:{$push:"$Name"}, Farms: {$push:"$_id"}}}, {$lookup: { from: "Farmers", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "Farmer" } }, {$unwind: "$Farmer" }, {$addFields: { FarmerName: "$Farmer.Name" } }, { $project: { Provider: 0 } } ])
and paste it somewhere (e.g. Skype or Notepad) I get a code without line breaks
db.Farms.aggregate([ {$project: {_id: 1, Name:1, FarmerId:1 }}, {$lookup:{ from: "Orders", localField: "_id", foreignField: "FarmId", as: "Orders" }}, {$match: {Orders:[]}}, {$group:{_id: "$FarmerId", count: {$sum:1}, names:{$push:"$Name"}, Farms: {$push:"$_id"}}}, {$lookup: { from: "Farmers", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "Farmer" } }, {$unwind: "$Farmer" }, {$addFields: { FarmerName: "$Farmer.Name" } }, { $project: { Provider: 0 } } ])Other tools like Robomongo preserve script formatting - that is very handy feature when you share scripts with other people.
MongoBooster uses Unix line-endings, but Notepad only recognises CR, LF (0x0d, 0x0a) windows-style line-ending.
If your aversion to notepad++/sublime text and other text editors is that they are not a standard part of all Windows systems, use Wordpad. It's not quite as rudimentary as Notepad.
Wordpad will correctly read and display text files with with Unix line-endings.
MongoBooster uses Unix line-endings, but Notepad only recognises CR, LF (0x0d, 0x0a) windows-style line-ending.
If your aversion to notepad++/sublime text and other text editors is that they are not a standard part of all Windows systems, use Wordpad. It's not quite as rudimentary as Notepad.
Wordpad will correctly read and display text files with with Unix line-endings.
If I install Windows application, as a user, I don't expect it will follow Unix conventions or iOS conventions. I expect it will follow Windows conventions (as RoboMongo and MongoChief do).
Correct way is to use environment-specific line endings. E.g. in .NET there is a `Environment.NewLine` value which holds appropriate line ending value.
If I install Windows application, as a user, I don't expect it will follow Unix conventions or iOS conventions. I expect it will follow Windows conventions (as RoboMongo and MongoChief do).
Correct way is to use environment-specific line endings. E.g. in .NET there is a `Environment.NewLine` value which holds appropriate line ending value.
I got it. I have added the issue to our to-do list. We will resolve the issue in the next update.
I got it. I have added the issue to our to-do list. We will resolve the issue in the next update.
resolved in 4.1.3
resolved in 4.1.3
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