Option to disable auto-execution of the initial script when an editor is opened

Lucas Soares shared this idea 6 years ago


I was thinking, what you guys think about an option to disable the auto-execution of the 'find' operation when a editor panel loads?

This will improve significantly the experience for users who just open a panel to execute other actions and don't want to just execute a simple 'find' in the shell.

This option will be very usefull when/if an option to edit the default template is available (I don't know if this option exists right now).

Thank you!

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Replies (4)


This added to the last feature named as 'multiple-tabs-one-connection' will help users who don't want to stay long time waiting for a loading screen to finish the internal execution.

Other idea is to only display the loading screen in the output panel (or elsewhere if the output panel is open). This will enable the edition of the script while a execution is in progress and will not prevent the user of executing/editing another script in the same editor panel.

Thank you!

  • You can hold "SHIFT" to disable the auto-exec find command when double-click/open a collection node.
  • There is no option to edit the default code template, we are considering adding this feature in a future update
  • "display the loading screen in the output panel", Good advice. We'll look into it.


Thank you! Good to known about the SHIFT command.

About displaying the loading screen in the output panel I think the loading could be even in the right size of the tab name.

I think also you can consider consider treatment to prevent running a script twice by miss click in a period of seconds.

And if you execute a script twice in the same edit panel while other execution is in progress, a second output panel should be open. If this isn't possible in NoSQLBooster, you can just open a second edit panel with a new output panel.

Thank you for taking our suggestions and having this effort to deliver.


resolved in v4.7.2, Menu->Options->AutoExecute Script When Collection Node is Double-Clicked

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