Unable to get console.log/print

Gus Tanudji shared this question 4 years ago

I am trying to get the translated SQL into native mongodb script. But I can never get the tab "Console.Log/Print"

I tried to follow the instruction: https://nosqlbooster.com/runSQLQuery

View the Equivalent MongoDB Query

How do I make the console tab appear?

Replies (3)


Turn on this option MainMenu->Options->Verbose Shell

Or click the following button



Thank you Qinghai.

Has the console.log/print changed to "Query Code"? Also I am a paid user on "personal license". Can I copy this to clipboard? because I can't actually do it as it complains I don't have the commercial license.


  • The personal license does not support Kerberos (GSSAPI), and LDAP (PLAIN) authentication and the feature "convert MongoDB query code to target languages, e.g., Java, c#..." is limited. You cannot copy the generated query code to the clipboard. Please refer to https://nosqlbooster.com/compareEditions
  • If you turn on verboseShell, you can copy the generated mongo query to the clipboard. (only for Mongo Shell Code, not Not available in other languages)

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