Regression: Script remain pending with nested query
With this sample script, the script remain in pending waiting the answer of the funtion.
It happens also if I pur the query inside the loop
var clubList = ["5bd73d627d9d5b2fd0ced54e", "5bd317dca89c2f539183f6a5", "58a718d60f9b15ee7842f9ef", "5bc8aca5d73ee039041902eb", "5bced449dcf53a056d645b54"] var result = db.userclubs.find({}).where("club_id").in(clubList) .map( function(u) { var today = new Date(); u.total_booking = findBookingForClub(u.club_id,new Date('2015-06-01T02:00:00.000+02:00'),new Date('2030-09-09T02:00:00.000+02:00')); return u; }); function findBookingForClub(clubId,from,to) { return db.bookingstatistics.aggregate([ {$match: {"club_id": clubId,"booking_info.is_deleted":0,"booking_info.booking_date": { $gte : from,$lte : to } }} ]).count().toString(); }
It was working with version 4.
Thank you for your feedback. Which build are you using? If you are using 5.0.0, please download the latest 5.0.2 and give it a try.
If it still does not work, could you please give me some test data and detailed steps to recall the issue quickly?
Thank you for your feedback. Which build are you using? If you are using 5.0.0, please download the latest 5.0.2 and give it a try.
If it still does not work, could you please give me some test data and detailed steps to recall the issue quickly?
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