no context menu to cut/copy/paste/delete in document values tree view

Helmy ElGhandour shared this problem 6 years ago

in V4.6.0

when you double click a value in a document it becomes editable in place inside a textbox, right clicking there doesn't do anything, there should be a context menu to cut/copy/paste/delete the text in there

also if you click the editor icon on the right of the box a "Editor: type and value" window shows up, with a large box to show the value, there is no 

context menu to cut/copy/paste/delete there either

in the same "Editor: type and value" dialog if you right click on the "Type" drop-down you get a context menu with "undo-redo|cut-copy-paste-select all" which is useless in that place because it is a read only drop-down!

Replies (2)


Thank you for your bug report. We will fix it in the next update.


Fixed in version 4.7.0

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