Generate Code for Shell and C# feature is buggy
My mongo shell script:
{ $match: { $and: [ {isActive: {$eq: true} }, { id: {$eq: '4011caa5-6d09-4a3a-83e1-ca70c9b65457'}}] }},
{ $unwind: { path: '$departmentDegrees'} },
{ $match : {'departmentDegrees.isActive': { $eq : true} }},
$project: {
_id: 1, id:1, doctype:1, idSchl:1, schoolName:1, _idAcademicLevel:1, academicLevel:1,
isActive:1, updatedOn:1, aeBy:1, sysDate:1,
"departmentDegrees._idDeptDegree":1, "departmentDegrees._idDeptInfo":1,
"departmentDegrees.deptName":1, "departmentDegrees.deptShortName":1, "departmentDegrees.isActive":1,
"departmentDegrees.majors": {
$filter: {
input: "$departmentDegrees.majors",
as: "mj",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$mj.isActive", true ] }
"departmentDegrees.minors": {
$filter: {
input: "$departmentDegrees.minors",
as: "m",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$m.isActive", true ] }
$group: {
_id : {
_id: "$_id", id: "$id", doctype: "$doctype", idSchl: "$idSchl",
schoolName: "$schoolName", _idAcademicLevel: "$_idAcademicLevel", academicLevel: "$academicLevel",
isActive: "$isActive", updatedOn: "$updatedOn", aeBy: "$aeBy", sysDate: "$sysDate"
,departmentDegrees1: {
"$addToSet" : "$departmentDegrees"
$project: {
_id: "$_id._id", id: "$", doctype: "$_id.doctype", idSchl: "$_id.idSchl",
schoolName: "$_id.schoolName", _idAcademicLevel: "$_id._idAcademicLevel", academicLevel: "$_id.academicLevel",
isActive: "$_id.isActive", updatedOn: "$_id.updatedOn", aeBy: "$_id.aeBy", sysDate: "$_id.sysDate",
departmentDegrees1: "$departmentDegrees1"
NoSQLBooster Generated Code for C#: This returns completely different result sets.
var pipeline = new[]{new BsonDocument(){
{"$match", new BsonDocument(){
{"$and", new BsonArray(){new BsonDocument(){
{"isActive", new BsonDocument(){
{"$eq", true}
},new BsonDocument(){
{"id", new BsonDocument(){
{"$eq", "4011caa5-6d09-4a3a-83e1-ca70c9b65457"}
{"departmentDegrees.isActive", new BsonDocument(){
{"$eq", true}
},new BsonDocument(){
{"$unwind", new BsonDocument(){
{"path", "$departmentDegrees"}
},new BsonDocument(){
{"$project", new BsonDocument(){
{"_id", "$_id._id"},
{"id", "$"},
{"doctype", "$_id.doctype"},
{"idSchl", "$_id.idSchl"},
{"schoolName", "$_id.schoolName"},
{"_idAcademicLevel", "$_id._idAcademicLevel"},
{"academicLevel", "$_id.academicLevel"},
{"isActive", "$_id.isActive"},
{"updatedOn", "$_id.updatedOn"},
{"aeBy", "$_id.aeBy"},
{"sysDate", "$_id.sysDate"},
{"departmentDegrees._idDeptDegree", 1},
{"departmentDegrees._idDeptInfo", 1},
{"departmentDegrees.deptName", 1},
{"departmentDegrees.deptShortName", 1},
{"departmentDegrees.isActive", 1},
{"departmentDegrees.majors", new BsonDocument(){
{"$filter", new BsonDocument(){
{"input", "$departmentDegrees.majors"},
{"as", "mj"},
{"cond", new BsonDocument(){
{"$eq", new BsonArray(){"$$mj.isActive",true}}
{"departmentDegrees.minors", new BsonDocument(){
{"$filter", new BsonDocument(){
{"input", "$departmentDegrees.minors"},
{"as", "m"},
{"cond", new BsonDocument(){
{"$eq", new BsonArray(){"$$m.isActive",true}}
{"departmentDegrees1", "$departmentDegrees1"}
},new BsonDocument(){
{"$group", new BsonDocument(){
{"_id", new BsonDocument(){
{"_id", "$_id"},
{"id", "$id"},
{"doctype", "$doctype"},
{"idSchl", "$idSchl"},
{"schoolName", "$schoolName"},
{"_idAcademicLevel", "$_idAcademicLevel"},
{"academicLevel", "$academicLevel"},
{"isActive", "$isActive"},
{"updatedOn", "$updatedOn"},
{"aeBy", "$aeBy"},
{"sysDate", "$sysDate"}
{"departmentDegrees1", new BsonDocument(){
{"$addToSet", "$departmentDegrees"}
NoSQLBooster Generated Code for Shell: This returns completely different result sets.
Thank you for your feedback. It's bug . At present, we are now in vocation of Chinese Spring Festival. We may not response to this issue in time.
We will work out a hot fix to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your feedback. It's bug . At present, we are now in vocation of Chinese Spring Festival. We may not response to this issue in time.
We will work out a hot fix to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you sir.....
By the way - heres a sample of my document.
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7a9e0f8830e32514b15066"),
"id" : "4011caa5-6d09-4a3a-83e1-ca70c9b65457",
"doctype" : "FieldStudy",
"idSchl" : "ec68b42b-0676-4087-ba14-37a9f2d40b41",
"schoolName" : "Testing 17",
"_idAcademicLevel" : "7c8d5e75-f86a-43bb-9170-d2667d0492ed",
"academicLevel" : "College",
"departmentDegrees" : [
"_idDeptDegree" : "eba29dae-447f-4cdd-8ba7-034a03c53f94",
"_idDeptInfo" : "1ec90940-3f15-41d0-89cd-ae862b8ff28d",
"deptName" : "Computer Science",
"deptShortName" : "CompSci",
"majors" : [
"_idMajor" : "7f09990b-fd77-49d0-bbac-8e4048a93df6",
"degree" : "Bachelor of Science - B.S.",
"major" : "Computer Science in Software Track",
"majorShort" : "CompSci Software",
"numYrs" : "4",
"totalUnits" : "121",
"isActive" : false
"_idMajor" : "4a5f02d8-1347-4b57-ab74-897557be5a96",
"degree" : "Bachelor of Science - B.S.",
"major" : "Computer Science in Hardware",
"majorShort" : "CompSci Hardware",
"numYrs" : "4",
"totalUnits" : "131",
"isActive" : true
"minors" : [
"_idMinor" : "ba1d3432-eea7-4cfa-9ddf-67ad4e416483",
"minor" : "Computer Science",
"minorShort" : "CompSci",
"totalUnits" : "20",
"isActive" : true
"isActive" : true
"isActive" : true,
"updatedOn" : null,
"aeBy" : "esevilla",
"sysDate" : ISODate("2018-02-06T22:34:55.253-08:00")
Thank you sir.....
By the way - heres a sample of my document.
"_id" : ObjectId("5a7a9e0f8830e32514b15066"),
"id" : "4011caa5-6d09-4a3a-83e1-ca70c9b65457",
"doctype" : "FieldStudy",
"idSchl" : "ec68b42b-0676-4087-ba14-37a9f2d40b41",
"schoolName" : "Testing 17",
"_idAcademicLevel" : "7c8d5e75-f86a-43bb-9170-d2667d0492ed",
"academicLevel" : "College",
"departmentDegrees" : [
"_idDeptDegree" : "eba29dae-447f-4cdd-8ba7-034a03c53f94",
"_idDeptInfo" : "1ec90940-3f15-41d0-89cd-ae862b8ff28d",
"deptName" : "Computer Science",
"deptShortName" : "CompSci",
"majors" : [
"_idMajor" : "7f09990b-fd77-49d0-bbac-8e4048a93df6",
"degree" : "Bachelor of Science - B.S.",
"major" : "Computer Science in Software Track",
"majorShort" : "CompSci Software",
"numYrs" : "4",
"totalUnits" : "121",
"isActive" : false
"_idMajor" : "4a5f02d8-1347-4b57-ab74-897557be5a96",
"degree" : "Bachelor of Science - B.S.",
"major" : "Computer Science in Hardware",
"majorShort" : "CompSci Hardware",
"numYrs" : "4",
"totalUnits" : "131",
"isActive" : true
"minors" : [
"_idMinor" : "ba1d3432-eea7-4cfa-9ddf-67ad4e416483",
"minor" : "Computer Science",
"minorShort" : "CompSci",
"totalUnits" : "20",
"isActive" : true
"isActive" : true
"isActive" : true,
"updatedOn" : null,
"aeBy" : "esevilla",
"sysDate" : ISODate("2018-02-06T22:34:55.253-08:00")
We have worked a build to resolve this issue.Please download and give a try.
We have worked a build to resolve this issue.Please download and give a try.
thank you sir...
I tested the shell version but not the C# and it works!
thank you sir...
I tested the shell version but not the C# and it works!
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