Different values returned for the same query in Nosqlbooster

Guest shared this problem 5 years ago

We have a query that is executed in some moments returns the document and in others it does not return anything. The same happens when we execute a count, that sometimes returns 0 and in others returns 1. We execute the same query by the shell and in all the executions the value returned of the cout was 1. We test in different machines, different OS and the problem continues. We use the most current version of NoSQLBooster to 5.1.7.

Note: The document has not been deleted or updated during the tests.

Replies (3)


Thanks for opening your issue here! From your description, it is difficult for me to guess what the problem is.

If you're reporting a bug, please make sure you include steps to reproduce it.

  • NoSQLBooster Version
  • Operating System (Windows/Mac/Ubuntu):
  • MongoDB Version
  • Expected Behavior
  • Actual Behavior
  • How to Reproduce (Please attach sample JSON data)


In the search filter it uses a pid field which is a shardkey so it does not access all shards, but the document is in shard7 and when it returns nothing it examines only shard5 or shard2.

The same problem does not happen in the mongo shell.

NoSQLBooster Version: 5.1.7

Operating System (Windows/Mac/Ubuntu): Windows 10 / Ubuntu 18

MongoDB Version: 3.6.8

Expected Behavior: Return 1 document in a shard cluster

Actual Behavior: Sometimes it returns and in others it does not return

How to Reproduce (Please attach sample JSON data): 9 shards cluster, collection with bilions documents, indexes: {pid: 'hashed"}, {"pid": 1, universe_id: 1, account_id: 1, channel:1, normalized_shared_at:1}

	"executionStats" : {
		"nReturned" : 0,
		"executionTimeMillis" : 37,
		"totalKeysExamined" : 0,
		"totalDocsExamined" : 0,
		"executionStages" : {
			"stage" : "SINGLE_SHARD",
			"nReturned" : 0,
			"executionTimeMillis" : 37,
			"totalKeysExamined" : 0,
			"totalDocsExamined" : 0,
			"totalChildMillis" : 32,
			"shards" : [
					"shardName" : "EndpoingGoogleShard_2",
					"executionSuccess" : true,
					"executionStages" : {
						"stage" : "FETCH",
						"nReturned" : 0,
						"executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 10,
						"works" : 2,
						"advanced" : 0,
						"needTime" : 0,
						"needYield" : 0,
						"saveState" : 1,
						"restoreState" : 1,
						"isEOF" : 1,
						"invalidates" : 0,
						"docsExamined" : 0,
						"alreadyHasObj" : 0,
						"inputStage" : {
							"stage" : "IXSCAN",
							"nReturned" : 0,
							"executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 10,
							"works" : 1,
							"advanced" : 0,
							"needTime" : 0,
							"needYield" : 0,
							"saveState" : 1,
							"restoreState" : 1,
							"isEOF" : 1,
							"invalidates" : 0,
							"keyPattern" : {
								"pid" : 1,
								"universe_id" : 1,
								"account_id" : 1,
								"channel" : 1,
								"normalized_shared_at" : 1
							"indexName" : "pid_shared_at",
							"isMultiKey" : false,
							"multiKeyPaths" : {
								"pid" : [ ],
								"universe_id" : [ ],
								"account_id" : [ ],
								"channel" : [ ],
								"normalized_shared_at" : [ ]
							"isUnique" : false,
							"isSparse" : false,
							"isPartial" : false,
							"indexVersion" : 2,
							"direction" : "forward",
							"indexBounds" : {
								"pid" : [
									"[\"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\", \"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\"]"
								"universe_id" : [
									"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"
								"account_id" : [
									"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"
								"channel" : [
									"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
								"normalized_shared_at" : [
									"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
							"keysExamined" : 0,
							"seeks" : 1,
							"dupsTested" : 0,
							"dupsDropped" : 0,
							"seenInvalidated" : 0,
							"indexDef" : {
								"indexName" : "pid_shared_at",
								"isMultiKey" : false,
								"multiKeyPaths" : {
									"pid" : [ ],
									"universe_id" : [ ],
									"account_id" : [ ],
									"channel" : [ ],
									"normalized_shared_at" : [ ]
								"keyPattern" : {
									"pid" : 1,
									"universe_id" : 1,
									"account_id" : 1,
									"channel" : 1,
									"normalized_shared_at" : 1
								"isUnique" : false,
								"isSparse" : false,
								"isPartial" : false,
								"direction" : "forward"
	"ok" : 1,
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1558710633, 1601),
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1558710633, 1709),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : BinData(0,"6HHjPqv9rADBkaFV3mKFGDa9bFw="),
			"keyId" : NumberLong("6666498389737209860")

	"executionStats" : {
		"nReturned" : 0,
		"executionTimeMillis" : 16,
		"totalKeysExamined" : 0,
		"totalDocsExamined" : 0,
		"executionStages" : {
			"stage" : "SINGLE_SHARD",
			"nReturned" : 0,
			"executionTimeMillis" : 16,
			"totalKeysExamined" : 0,
			"totalDocsExamined" : 0,
			"totalChildMillis" : 12,
			"shards" : [
					"shardName" : "EndpoingGoogleShard_5",
					"executionSuccess" : true,
					"executionStages" : {
						"stage" : "FETCH",
						"nReturned" : 0,
						"executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
						"works" : 2,
						"advanced" : 0,
						"needTime" : 0,
						"needYield" : 0,
						"saveState" : 0,
						"restoreState" : 0,
						"isEOF" : 1,
						"invalidates" : 0,
						"docsExamined" : 0,
						"alreadyHasObj" : 0,
						"inputStage" : {
							"stage" : "IXSCAN",
							"nReturned" : 0,
							"executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
							"works" : 1,
							"advanced" : 0,
							"needTime" : 0,
							"needYield" : 0,
							"saveState" : 0,
							"restoreState" : 0,
							"isEOF" : 1,
							"invalidates" : 0,
							"keyPattern" : {
								"pid" : 1,
								"universe_id" : 1,
								"account_id" : 1,
								"channel" : 1,
								"normalized_shared_at" : 1
							"indexName" : "pid_shared_at",
							"isMultiKey" : false,
							"multiKeyPaths" : {
								"pid" : [ ],
								"universe_id" : [ ],
								"account_id" : [ ],
								"channel" : [ ],
								"normalized_shared_at" : [ ]
							"isUnique" : false,
							"isSparse" : false,
							"isPartial" : false,
							"indexVersion" : 2,
							"direction" : "forward",
							"indexBounds" : {
								"pid" : [
									"[\"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\", \"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\"]"
								"universe_id" : [
									"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"
								"account_id" : [
									"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"
								"channel" : [
									"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
								"normalized_shared_at" : [
									"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
							"keysExamined" : 0,
							"seeks" : 1,
							"dupsTested" : 0,
							"dupsDropped" : 0,
							"seenInvalidated" : 0
	"ok" : 1,
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1558710931, 210),
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1558710931, 900),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : BinData(0,"9LMxeW99uImtfUUcIj2e+OfbW/A="),
			"keyId" : NumberLong("6666498389737209860")

	"executionStats" : {
		"nReturned" : 1,
		"executionTimeMillis" : 13,
		"totalKeysExamined" : 1,
		"totalDocsExamined" : 1,
		"executionStages" : {
			"stage" : "SINGLE_SHARD",
			"nReturned" : 1,
			"executionTimeMillis" : 13,
			"totalKeysExamined" : 1,
			"totalDocsExamined" : 1,
			"totalChildMillis" : 10,
			"shards" : [
					"shardName" : "EndpoingGoogleShard_7",
					"executionSuccess" : true,
					"executionStages" : {
						"stage" : "FETCH",
						"nReturned" : 1,
						"executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
						"works" : 3,
						"advanced" : 1,
						"needTime" : 0,
						"needYield" : 0,
						"saveState" : 0,
						"restoreState" : 0,
						"isEOF" : 1,
						"invalidates" : 0,
						"docsExamined" : 1,
						"alreadyHasObj" : 0,
						"inputStage" : {
							"stage" : "IXSCAN",
							"nReturned" : 1,
							"executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0,
							"works" : 2,
							"advanced" : 1,
							"needTime" : 0,
							"needYield" : 0,
							"saveState" : 0,
							"restoreState" : 0,
							"isEOF" : 1,
							"invalidates" : 0,
							"keyPattern" : {
								"pid" : 1,
								"universe_id" : 1,
								"account_id" : 1,
								"channel" : 1,
								"normalized_shared_at" : 1
							"indexName" : "pid_shared_at",
							"isMultiKey" : false,
							"multiKeyPaths" : {
								"pid" : [ ],
								"universe_id" : [ ],
								"account_id" : [ ],
								"channel" : [ ],
								"normalized_shared_at" : [ ]
							"isUnique" : false,
							"isSparse" : false,
							"isPartial" : false,
							"indexVersion" : 2,
							"direction" : "forward",
							"indexBounds" : {
								"pid" : [
									"[\"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\", \"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\"]"
								"universe_id" : [
									"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"
								"account_id" : [
									"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"
								"channel" : [
									"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
								"normalized_shared_at" : [
									"[MinKey, MaxKey]"
							"keysExamined" : 1,
							"seeks" : 1,
							"dupsTested" : 0,
							"dupsDropped" : 0,
							"seenInvalidated" : 0
	"ok" : 1,
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1558710967, 1442),
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1558710968, 61),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : BinData(0,"0GSN90ItfIwB8KOskIE7bAoRvpY="),
			"keyId" : NumberLong("6666498389737209860")



  • Does your document only include the "executionStats" field?
  • Which MongoShell version are you using? 3.6.8?
  • Can you give me the query statement you are using? (e.g. db.cols.find({pid: xxxx}))


yes, the mongo shell is in version 3.6.8

The query is db.cols.find ({{account_id: 12345, universe_id: 1234567, pid: "xxxx"})

follows the total output of explain:


"queryPlanner" : {

"mongosPlannerVersion" : 1,

"winningPlan" : {

"stage" : "SINGLE_SHARD",

"shards" : [


"shardName" : "EndpoingGoogleShard_5",

"connectionString" : "EndpoingGoogleShard_5/mongo-gcp-shard6a.stilingue.com.br:7308,mongo-gcp-shard6b.stilingue.com.br:7308,mongo-gcp-shard6c.stilingue.com.br:7308",

"serverInfo" : {

"host" : "mongo-gcp-shard6b",

"port" : 7308,

"version" : "3.6.8",

"gitVersion" : "6bc9ed599c3fa164703346a22bad17e33fa913e4"


"plannerVersion" : 1,

"namespace" : "shipyard.investigation_cards",

"indexFilterSet" : false,

"parsedQuery" : {

"$and" : [


"account_id" : {

"$eq" : 5215959685005312




"pid" : {

"$eq" : "m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw"




"universe_id" : {

"$eq" : 4706392142249984





"winningPlan" : {

"stage" : "FETCH",

"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"pid" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1,

"account_id" : 1,

"channel" : 1,

"normalized_shared_at" : 1


"indexName" : "pid_shared_at",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"pid" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ],

"account_id" : [ ],

"channel" : [ ],

"normalized_shared_at" : [ ]


"isUnique" : false,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"pid" : [

"[\"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\", \"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\"]"


"universe_id" : [

"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"


"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"channel" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"normalized_shared_at" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"





"rejectedPlans" : [


"stage" : "FETCH",

"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"pid" : 1,

"channel" : 1,

"account_id" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1


"indexName" : "pid_1_channel_1",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"pid" : [ ],

"channel" : [ ],

"account_id" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ]


"isUnique" : true,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"pid" : [

"[\"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\", \"m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw\"]"


"channel" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"universe_id" : [

"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"






"stage" : "FETCH",

"filter" : {

"pid" : {

"$eq" : "m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw"



"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"account_id" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1,

"has_name" : 1,

"annotation_spam" : 1,

"is_only_universe" : 1,

"user_score" : -1,

"normalized_posted_at" : -1


"indexName" : "sortIndexAAA",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"account_id" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ],

"has_name" : [ ],

"annotation_spam" : [ ],

"is_only_universe" : [ ],

"user_score" : [ ],

"normalized_posted_at" : [ ]


"isUnique" : false,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"universe_id" : [

"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"


"has_name" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"annotation_spam" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"is_only_universe" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"user_score" : [

"[MaxKey, MinKey]"


"normalized_posted_at" : [

"[MaxKey, MinKey]"






"stage" : "FETCH",

"filter" : {

"pid" : {

"$eq" : "m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw"



"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"account_id" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1,

"has_name" : 1,

"annotation_spam" : 1,

"is_only_universe" : 1,

"hot" : -1,

"normalized_posted_at" : -1


"indexName" : "sortIndexHot",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"account_id" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ],

"has_name" : [ ],

"annotation_spam" : [ ],

"is_only_universe" : [ ],

"hot" : [ ],

"normalized_posted_at" : [ ]


"isUnique" : false,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"universe_id" : [

"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"


"has_name" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"annotation_spam" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"is_only_universe" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"hot" : [

"[MaxKey, MinKey]"


"normalized_posted_at" : [

"[MaxKey, MinKey]"






"stage" : "FETCH",

"filter" : {

"pid" : {

"$eq" : "m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw"



"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"account_id" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1,

"type" : 1,

"has_name" : 1,

"annotation_spam" : 1,

"is_only_universe" : 1,

"normalized_posted_at" : 1


"indexName" : "type",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"account_id" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ],

"type" : [ ],

"has_name" : [ ],

"annotation_spam" : [ ],

"is_only_universe" : [ ],

"normalized_posted_at" : [ ]


"isUnique" : false,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"universe_id" : [

"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"


"type" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"has_name" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"annotation_spam" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"is_only_universe" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"normalized_posted_at" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"






"stage" : "FETCH",

"filter" : {

"pid" : {

"$eq" : "m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw"



"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"account_id" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1,

"polarity" : 1,

"has_name" : 1,

"annotation_spam" : 1,

"is_only_universe" : 1,

"normalized_posted_at" : 1


"indexName" : "polarity",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"account_id" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ],

"polarity" : [ ],

"has_name" : [ ],

"annotation_spam" : [ ],

"is_only_universe" : [ ],

"normalized_posted_at" : [ ]


"isUnique" : false,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"universe_id" : [

"[4706392142249984.0, 4706392142249984.0]"


"polarity" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"has_name" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"annotation_spam" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"is_only_universe" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"


"normalized_posted_at" : [

"[MinKey, MaxKey]"






"stage" : "FETCH",

"filter" : {

"pid" : {

"$eq" : "m_bUU3PbLyXYZYlWGnPZZVHV-kjCEQW6rTNT65mGu_n0cFLPDYVHjnAViCCMr9oi4q4c1kTxSriUEIr3njyU0MUw"



"inputStage" : {

"stage" : "IXSCAN",

"keyPattern" : {

"account_id" : 1,

"universe_id" : 1,

"device" : 1,

"has_name" : 1,

"annotation_spam" : 1,

"is_only_universe" : 1,

"normalized_posted_at" : 1


"indexName" : "device",

"isMultiKey" : false,

"multiKeyPaths" : {

"account_id" : [ ],

"universe_id" : [ ],

"device" : [ ],

"has_name" : [ ],

"annotation_spam" : [ ],

"is_only_universe" : [ ],

"normalized_posted_at" : [ ]


"isUnique" : false,

"isSparse" : false,

"isPartial" : false,

"indexVersion" : 2,

"direction" : "forward",

"indexBounds" : {

"account_id" : [

"[5215959685005312.0, 5215959685005312.0]"


"universe_id" : [

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If you have a nodejs runtime environment, can you do a simple test for me, I want to confirm if the problem is caused by the nodejs mongodb driver.

1) Create a test project directory, and CD to this directory

2) Change MongoDB URI, DB name, collection name and save the following script as index.js

const mongodb = require("mongodb"); //npm i mongodb
const {
} = mongodb;

//Created with NoSQLBooster, the essential IDE for MongoDB - https://nosqlbooster.com
async function main() {
    const client = await MongoClient.connect("mongodb://YOUR_SERVER:20017"); //YOUR MONGODB URI 
    const db = client.db("YOUR_DB");
    const docs = await db.collection("YOUR_COLLECTION").find({account_id: 12345, universe_id: 1234567, pid: "xxxx"})

    console.log(docs.map(it => it._id));



3) cmd > npm i mongodb@3.1.7 (NoSQLBooster uses this version)

4) cmd > node index.js

If mongodb@3.1.7 does not work, please unisntall mongodb@3.1.7 and install the mongodb@latest and try it again.

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