Bug in copying collection
Cannot Reproduce
I have 2 DB and 2 collections:
master cars
master_test cars_test
Auto generated script looks like this
const BATCH_SIZE = 10000; let srcConnection = "localhost_admin"; let srcDb = "master"; let dstConnection = "localhost_admin"; let dstDb = "master_test"; //idPolicy: overwrite_with_same_id|always_insert_with_new_id|insert_with_new_id_if_id_exists|skip_documents_with_existing_id|abort_if_id_already_exists let toCopyCollections = [ { srcCollection: "cars", query: {}, projection: {}, dstCollection: "cars_test", idPolicy: "overwrite_with_same_id", dropDstCollection: true } ]; // if have more indexes than default index (_id), create index after copy data. let shouldCreateIndex = true; let totalCopyResult = { result: {}, fails: [], } function copyCollection(params) { return let {srcCollection, dstCollection, query, projection, idPolicy, dropDstCollection} = params; let continueRead = true; console.log(`copy docs from ${srcConnection}:${srcDb}:${srcCollection} to ${dstConnection}:${dstDb}:${dstCollection} start...`); let isSameCollection = srcConnection === dstConnection && srcDb === dstDb && srcCollection === dstCollection; if (isSameCollection) { if (toCopyCollections.length === 1) shouldCreateIndex = false; else params.shouldCreateIndex = false; } if (dropDstCollection) { // srcCollection is same to dstCollection, can not drop dstCollection (equal to drop srcCollection) // drop dst collection and copy from same collection, means nothing to do. if (isSameCollection) return; mb.dropCollection({ connection: dstConnection, db: dstDb, collection: dstCollection }); } totalCopyResult.result[dstCollection] = { nInserted: 0, nModified: 0, nSkipped: 0, failed: 0, }; let collectionRst = totalCopyResult.result[dstCollection]; let limitReadCount = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; if (isSameCollection) limitReadCount = mb.runScript({ connection: srcConnection, db: srcDb, script: `db.getCollection("${srcCollection}").find(${tojson(query)}).count()` }) let skip = 0; while (continueRead) { let limit = limitReadCount > BATCH_SIZE ? BATCH_SIZE : limitReadCount; let docs = mb.readFromDb({ connection: srcConnection, db: srcDb, collection: srcCollection, query, projection, skip, limit }); let readLength = docs.length; skip += readLength; limitReadCount -= readLength; if (readLength < BATCH_SIZE) continueRead = false; if (readLength) { let copyResult = mb.writeToDb({ connection: dstConnection, db: dstDb, collection: dstCollection, docs, idPolicy }); let failed = copyResult.errors.length; let success = copyResult.nInserted + copyResult.nModified; collectionRst.nInserted += copyResult.nInserted; collectionRst.nModified += copyResult.nModified; collectionRst.nSkipped += copyResult.nSkipped; collectionRst.failed += failed; console.log(`${dstCollection}: ${collectionRst.nInserted + collectionRst.nModified} docs successfully imported, ${collectionRst.failed} docs failed.`); if (failed) { console.log("Failed objects", copyResult.errors); } totalCopyResult.fails = [...totalCopyResult.fails, ...copyResult.errors]; } sleep(10) } console.log(`copy docs from ${srcConnection}:${srcDb}:${srcCollection} to ${dstConnection}:${dstDb}:${dstCollection} finished.`); } toCopyCollections.forEach(it => copyCollection(it)); if (shouldCreateIndex) { let indexCreationPrompted = false; function indexCreationPrompt() { if (indexCreationPrompted) return; let waitTime = 3; console.log(`Index creating will start in ${waitTime} seconds...`) sleep(1000 * waitTime); indexCreationPrompted = true; } let srcCollections = toCopyCollections.filter(it => it["shouldCreateIndex"] !== false).map(it => it.srcCollection) srcCollections.forEach(it => { let indexes = mb.runScript({ connection: srcConnection, db: srcDb, script: `db.getCollection("${it}").getIndexes();` }); if (indexes.length > 1) { let toCopyCollection = _.find(toCopyCollections, { srcCollection: it }); if (!toCopyCollection) return; let dstCollection = toCopyCollection.dstCollection; indexes.forEach(index => { if (index.name === "_id_") return; indexCreationPrompt(); let newIndex = _.cloneDeep(index); // remove index version and engine info, these info may fail createIndexes operator. delete newIndex.v; delete newIndex.textIndexVersion; delete newIndex["2dsphereIndexVersion"]; delete newIndex.storageEngine; newIndex.ns = `${dstDb}.${dstCollection}`; console.log(`create index ${newIndex.name} for ${dstDb}.${dstCollection}`); console.log(db.runCommand({ createIndexes: dstCollection, indexes: [newIndex] })); }) } }); if (indexCreationPrompted) console.log("create index complete.") } if (totalCopyResult.result) { let successed = 0; let failed = 0; let collections = _.keys(totalCopyResult.result); collections.forEach((key) => { let obj = totalCopyResult.result[key]; successed += obj.nInserted + obj.nModified; failed += obj.failed; }); console.log(`${successed} document(s) of ${collections.length} collection(s) have been copied.`, totalCopyResult.result); if (failed) { console.log(`${failed} document(s) haven't been copied, please check failed list below.`); } else { console.log("All documents copied successfully."); } } if (totalCopyResult.fails.length) { console.log("All failed objects", totalCopyResult.fails); }
However, it produces errors
#script:101:9 +0.010s Index creating will start in 3 seconds... #script:136:9 +3.012s create index make_name_1 for master_test.cars_test #script:137:9 +3.145s { "message" : "The value of the field 'ns' (master_test.cars_test) doesn't match the namespace 'master.cars_test'", "stack" : "MongoError: The value of the field 'ns' (master_test.cars_test) doesn't match the namespace 'master.cars_test'\n at Function.MongoError.create (/Applications/mongobooster.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/error.js:31:11)\n at /Applications/mongobooster.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:497:72\n at authenticateStragglers (/Applications/mongobooster.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:443:16)\n at Connection.messageHandler (/Applications/mongobooster.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:477:5)\n at Socket.<anonymous> (/Applications/mongobooster.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/connection.js:321:22)\n at emitOne (events.js:96:13)\n at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)\n at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:176:18)\n at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:134:10)\n at TCP.onread (net.js:551:20)", "name" : "MongoError", "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "The value of the field 'ns' (master_test.cars_test) doesn't match the namespace 'master.cars_test'", "code" : 2, "codeName" : "BadValue" }
I fixed it by:
-newIndex.ns = `${dstDb}.${dstCollection}`;
+newIndex.ns = `${srcDb}.${dstCollection}`;
I can't recall the issue. If possible, could you please give me the detailed Repro Steps?
I review the code, the newIndex namespace should be `${dstDb}.${dstCollection}`.
I can't recall the issue. If possible, could you please give me the detailed Repro Steps?
I review the code, the newIndex namespace should be `${dstDb}.${dstCollection}`.
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