Autosave/Save on disconnect
Is it possible to get a prompt from the query tabs when they close after a disconnect? In fact is it possible to get a prompt to Save on the close of any tab
Is it possible to get a prompt from the query tabs when they close after a disconnect? In fact is it possible to get a prompt to Save on the close of any tab
All executed scripts will appear in the history of scripts(F7), and you can easily reopen it. Given that we already have a historical record, I don't think it is necessary to pop up the save prompt box on the close of any tab. BTW, if the script in the tab has been saved as a file, when you close the tab, a save prompt dialog box will pop up.
All executed scripts will appear in the history of scripts(F7), and you can easily reopen it. Given that we already have a historical record, I don't think it is necessary to pop up the save prompt box on the close of any tab. BTW, if the script in the tab has been saved as a file, when you close the tab, a save prompt dialog box will pop up.
Hi, I agree regarding the history. This is for purely on a disconnect event, as far as I can see then you aren't prompted to Save for any tabs.
Hi, I agree regarding the history. This is for purely on a disconnect event, as far as I can see then you aren't prompted to Save for any tabs.
Please turn on Menu->Options->Warning Messages -> Show Disconnect Confirmation Dialog
Please turn on Menu->Options->Warning Messages -> Show Disconnect Confirmation Dialog
great thanks
great thanks
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