bring back F5 and F6 Shortcut on NoSQLBooster 5.0

Dony perdana shared this question 6 years ago


Can you bring back F5 and F6 shortcut on NoSQLBooster 5.0? It's pretty annoying to reach CTRL + F6 every time i want to execute the query.

Thank you.

Replies (4)


In windows, pressing F5 will refresh or reload the page or document window, Shortcut keys are in conflict, so we replaced the shortcut keys.

F6 's functionality hasn't changed, you can still use F6 to execute the script


You are right about F5 refrehsing the window. But that does not even prevent Microsoft to use F5 to execute the SQL script in SQL Server Management Studio.

I would also like to have the F5 back to mean execute the current script.

Besides, there is nothing to refresh in the command window, so right now, the F5 does exactly nothing.


Thank you for your advice. We bring back shortcut “F5” to execute the current statement in version 5.1.0


Due to the introduction of the debugger in the new version 7.0, some keyboard shortcuts have been adjusted, and you can view the bound shortcuts through the button's tooltip.

  • Press F5 to start debugging, CTRL+Enter|CTRL+F5 to run without debugging.
  • Press F6 to Run Selected Text/Current Statement.


I know now, I read this after i lost my data running the entire script accidentally.

I think I won't be a unique case. Such invasive change in user's daily routine is very odd, rare.

In future cases, please consider DO NOT do this.

Also, I would very much like to see in the future a way to change keymap. Really, this is tremendously frustrating.


Deleting my comment don't change the fact you have made a very stupid decision changing the shorcuts.


The reason I deleted the post is that your post obviously has impolite words.

This is an open forum, please express your views in the right way.


You can imagine how frustrating is lost data because the changing of such frequently used action. Impolite words is just a side effect. Trust me: Probably I'm not a isolated case.


I understand. I'm here to explain why we have to design this way.

In earlier versions, the same shortcut key (CTRL+ENTER) was used to execute the complete script and the selected script. In use, we found that users are prone to misoperation. We often select only one or two words for a certain situation, and then press (CTRL+ENTER) or click "run". At this time, the user intended to run the whole script, but mistakenly ran the selected word or two and then reported an error.

We fixed this issue in this 7.0 version by giving "run the entire script" and "run the selected script/current statement" a separate shortcut. BTW, "change keymap" can't solve this issue.

For these breaking changes, a text description in the release notes is not enough, we do need to add more obvious warnings to the program. When the upgrade user clicks the "run" button for the first time, a warning dialog pops up to force the user to be prompted for this change.




In SQL Server Management Studio, F5 is used to run either the Selected statement(s) or the entire script if nothing is selected. As you mentioned, you brought back F5 in version 5.1.0.

Although I see a debugger as a good tool, you could have decided to assign this command to a different command. Like for example to Alt+F5 or switching the shortcuts, you chose to have Ctrl+F5 to execute with debugging. And yes, support for key mapping would have solved this issue as you would give the user the ability to assign specific commands to specific short cuts. Visual Studio makes extensive use of this.

I agree with Luís Fernando Gaido. This is a terrible handling of adding a new feature. And a terrible handling of communicating an intended change.


I agree with the previous 2 comments. The chances of someone being frustrated by an error when they have 2 or 3 words selected 'accidentally' and then press F5 is much smaller than the chances of someone accidentally running the whole script when they thought they were executing just one line.

If I have any text selected when I press F5, I want it to run just what I have selected. Remembering that I need F6 in this case goes against years of muscle memory, and the dangers far outweigh what you consider to be the benefits of the change that you've made.


If you want to prevent to run the entire script, just remove ctrl enter to run the entire script.

This change does not make any sense.

Now the most used shortcut is changed and we will have to use older versions.


If you want to prevent to run the entire script, just remove ctrl enter to run the entire script.

This change does not make any sense.

Now the most used shortcut is changed and we will have to use older versions.


The big problem is hitting F5 not just fresh, All scripts in the editor are executed even if you select a piece of script!it‘s so much dangerous!!!

My version is v.7.1.1, you can double confirm.


Thank you all for your feedback. We re-evaluated the feature and decided to use the way it was executed before version 6.

When the selected text is not empty, pressing F5/F6 to execute the script runs the selected script instead of the entire script.

resolved in 7.1.17

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