Auto-generated collection copy failing on 'legnth' property

Tim Maas shared this problem 10 months ago

const BATCH_SIZE = 2000;

let srcConnection = source.connection;
let srcDb = "Tester";
let dstConnection = destination.connection;
let dstDb = "Tester";


//idPolicy: overwrite_with_same_id|always_insert_with_new_id|insert_with_new_id_if_id_exists|skip_documents_with_existing_id|abort_if_id_already_exists|drop_collection_first|log_errors
let toCopyCollections = [
    { srcCollection: "testUserCards_old", query: {}, projection: {}, dstCollection: "testUserCards_old_new", idPolicy: "log_errors" }

let toRecreateViews = []

// if have more indexes than default index (_id), create index after copy data.
let shouldCreateIndex = true;

let totalCopyResult = {
    result: {},
    fails: [],

function copyCollection(params) {
    let { srcCollection, dstCollection, query, projection, idPolicy } = params;

    console.log(`Copy docs from "${srcConnection}:${srcDb}:${srcCollection}" to "${dstConnection}:${dstDb}:${dstCollection}" start...`);

    let isSameCollection = srcConnection === dstConnection && srcDb === dstDb && srcCollection === dstCollection;

    if (isSameCollection) {
        if (toCopyCollections.length === 1)
            shouldCreateIndex = false;
            params.shouldCreateIndex = false;

    if (idPolicy === "drop_collection_first") {
        // srcCollection is same to dstCollection, can not drop dstCollection (equal to drop srcCollection)
        // drop dst collection and copy from same collection, means nothing to do.
        if (isSameCollection) return;

        mb.dropCollection({ connection: dstConnection, db: dstDb, collection: dstCollection });
        console.log(`drop collection "${dstDb}.${dstCollection}"`);

    totalCopyResult.result[dstCollection] = {
        nInserted: 0,
        nModified: 0,
        nSkipped: 0,
        failed: 0,
    let collectionRst = totalCopyResult.result[dstCollection];

    let limitReadCount = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
    if (isSameCollection) {
        limitReadCount = mb.runScript({ connection: srcConnection, db: srcDb, script: `db.getCollection(${tojson(srcCollection)}).find(${tojson(query)}).count()` })

    const batchSize = limitReadCount > BATCH_SIZE ? BATCH_SIZE : limitReadCount;
    const cursor = await(mb.getCursorFromCollection({ connection: srcConnection, db: srcDb, collection: srcCollection, query, projection }));
    const totalCount = cursor.size ? cursor.size() : cursor.count();

    await(mb.batchReadFromCursor(cursor, batchSize, (docs) => {
        return async(() => {
            let readLength = docs.length;
            if (!readLength) return;

            let copyResult = mb.writeToDb({ connection: dstConnection, db: dstDb, collection: dstCollection, docs, idPolicy });
            let failed = copyResult.errors.length;
            let success = copyResult.nInserted + copyResult.nModified;

            collectionRst.nInserted += copyResult.nInserted;
            collectionRst.nModified += copyResult.nModified;
            collectionRst.nSkipped += copyResult.nSkipped;
            collectionRst.failed += failed;
            const processedCount = collectionRst.nInserted + collectionRst.nModified + collectionRst.nSkipped + collectionRst.failed;

            const percent = (processedCount / totalCount * 100).toFixed(1);

            console.log(`${dstCollection}: ${percent}%	 ${processedCount}/${totalCount}	 ${collectionRst.nInserted + collectionRst.nModified} docs successfully imported, ${collectionRst.failed} docs failed.`);

            if (failed) {
                console.log("Failed objects", copyResult.errors);

            totalCopyResult.fails = [...totalCopyResult.fails, ...copyResult.errors];

    console.log(`copy docs from "${srcConnection}:${srcDb}:${srcCollection}" to "${dstConnection}:${dstDb}:${dstCollection}" finished.

//Copy collections
for (let collection of toCopyCollections) {

//Recreate database readonly views
for (let view of toRecreateViews) {
    const viewOn = tojson(view.viewOn);
    const viewName = tojson(;
    const script = `var dropIfExists=false;
    if (dropIfExists){
    db.getCollection(${viewOn}).aggregate(${tojson(view.pipeline)}).saveAsView(${viewName}, ${tojson(view.options)})`;
    const rst = await(mb.runScript({ connection: dstConnection, db: dstDb, script }));
    if (!(rst && rst.ok)) {
    } else {
        console.log(`re-created readonly view ${viewName} `);

if (shouldCreateIndex) {
    let indexCreationPrompted = false;
    function indexCreationPrompt() {
        if (indexCreationPrompted) return;

        const waitTime = 3;
        console.log(`Index creating will start in ${waitTime} seconds...`)
        sleep(1000 * waitTime);
        indexCreationPrompted = true;

    let srcCollections = toCopyCollections.filter(it => it["shouldCreateIndex"] !== false).map(it => it.srcCollection)
    srcCollections.forEach(it => {
        let indexes = mb.runScript({ connection: srcConnection, db: srcDb, script: `db.getCollection(${tojson(it)}).getIndexes();` });
        if (indexes.length > 1) {
            let toCopyCollection = _.find(toCopyCollections, { srcCollection: it });
            if (!toCopyCollection) return;

            let dstCollection = toCopyCollection.dstCollection;

            indexes.forEach(index => {
                if ( === "_id_") return;


                let newIndex = _.cloneDeep(index);

                // remove index version and engine info, these info may fail createIndexes operator.
                delete newIndex.v;
                delete newIndex.textIndexVersion;
                delete newIndex["2dsphereIndexVersion"];
                delete newIndex.storageEngine;

                newIndex.ns = `${dstDb}.${dstCollection}`;

                console.log(`create index ${} for "${dstDb}.${dstCollection}"`);
                    createIndexes: dstCollection,
                    indexes: [newIndex]

    if (indexCreationPrompted)
        console.log("create index complete.")

if (totalCopyResult.result) {
    let success = 0;
    let failed = 0;
    let collections = _.keys(totalCopyResult.result);
    collections.forEach((key) => {
        let obj = totalCopyResult.result[key];
        success += obj.nInserted + obj.nModified;
        failed += obj.failed;

${success} document(s) of ${collections.length} collection(s) have been copied.\n`, totalCopyResult.result);

    if (failed) {
        console.log(`${failed} document(s) haven't been copied, please check failed list below.`);
    } else {
        console.log("All documents copied successfully.");

if (totalCopyResult.fails.length) {
    console.log("All failed objects\n", totalCopyResult.fails);

Script above. Some reason the auto-generated script is failing after the first batch of 2000.

I'm on Windows 10 and NoSQLBooster version is 8.1.4

error message below:

	"message" : "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined",
	"stack" : "script:71:44"

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